Sunday 29 March 2009

Evangelista Ignácio de Oliveira - The Giant Magnet, by Petrônio Lorena

It seems ages since I posted anything. However, on Thursday and Friday, at CCAA I was involved in the making of a documentary film, about the inventor Evangelista Ignácio de Oliveira, called, "O gigantesco ímã" (The Giant Magnet), by Petrônio Lorena and crew who are based in Rio de Janeiro. It was a fascinating experience to be involved. The film has taken two years to make. When finished it will be widely circulated.

Wednesday 9 July 2008

Radio Sara

-------------- RADIO SARA -------------- OBRIGADO RADIO CULTURA FM 92.9 E EVANDRO LIRA 'Secretaria do Povo' 1100 - 1200 HRS, SEGUNDAS ATÉ SEXTAS -------------- RADIO SARA --------------- THANKS TO RADIO CULTURA FM 92.9 AND EVANDRO LIRA 'Secretary of the People' 1100 HRS TO 1200 HRS, MONDAYS TO FRIDAYS -------------- RADIO SARA -------------- Escriver sua mensagem por favor!! ---------------

Sunday 29 June 2008