Manaira in Paraiba
Sara on horseback
We have just returned from another brief trip to Manaira. If Extrema is a 'one horse town', and Pelo Sinal is a 'two horse town', then Manaira is a twenty horse town. It is lovely to see lots of working horses and donkeys. Unfortunately, this way of life has long gone in the Scottish lowlands.
Most noticeably, as you approach Manaira, the dirt-track roads are of a considerably higher standard than those in Pernambuco. As Romulo, our nephew who lives in Manaira explained, "People need to travel from Manaira to towns in Pernambuco. No-one from Pernambuco has any reason to go to Manaira!"

Don't air your dirty laundry in public!
This photo shows why it is not a good idea to air your dirty laundry in public. However, it makes a rather splendid colourful display and you have to show respect to the Dona or Dono of the casa because by bowing your head as you enter.

John Paul II Restaurant - note the place setting!
If you're hungry, I suppose a good place to eat barbecued meat, 'churrasco' could be at this churrascaria. I still can't make up my mind if the place setting logo on the wall is meant to be wrong to attract attention - or perhaps the graphic artist (and the owner) just didn't know the correct way to set the table. It usually doesn't matter anyway in north-east Brasil as with a beer you get one plate and one fork for four people to share and enjoy the freshly cooked salty barbecued beef and dipping flour. A very tasty and sociable experience.

Danceteria Night dance
....and for night entertainment, may I recommend Danceteria Night Dance!
Tourist trips are on offer, at very reasonable prices if you want to experience life as it really is in the sertão!!
Or, once you experience how good the life is here you would certainly be looking for a house to buy. You could probably get this one at a fantastically low price. If you are interested I could get you a good deal. Just let me know!
Tourist trips are on offer, at very reasonable prices if you want to experience life as it really is in the sertão!!
House for Sale
Or, once you experience how good the life is here you would certainly be looking for a house to buy. You could probably get this one at a fantastically low price. If you are interested I could get you a good deal. Just let me know!