PROJETO VIVER - Serra Talhada (The Living Project)
Dear family and friends,
Hoping all is well with you and your family and that you have a lovely Christmas.
‘PROJETO VIVER - Serra Talhada’ is organised by a marvellous lady called Ivaneide who devotes her spare time to help others.
For me, Ivaneide is like the Mother Teresa of Serra Talhada. She has recruited about 50 colleagues and friends to carry out this work which is supported by her employer TUPAN (like 'B & Q' - a large DIY shop).
Recently, I was invited to see them working with 20 poor elderly residents who live in the Ana Ribeiro home in Serra Talhada.
Please look at Sara's flogao: where I have posted a photo taken by 'Projeto Viver'. As you can see this child in the photo has no bed (and probably has had little food).
You can see the rest at: the team handing out goodies to the poor children, to help them smile, on the night of 28 November 2007.
Between now and Christmas, Ivaneide and her team will knock on doors in the better-off areas of the town to ask for donations of basic foods which will be distributed shortly after. To avoid unfair distribution, the team visits the poor family and gives them a special code number. The representative from the family needs to quote this code to get the food parcel from the distribution point.
One of Ivaneide's good friends who works in local government donates all of her salary to 'Projeto Viver' as well as devoting all of her spare time to help them practically. Her charity work comes first and she often leaves her desk in the middle of work to help others whenever they need her. She just says, "There are plenty others here who can finish my work in the office - I'm needed elsewhere". Thankfully this way of working has become accepted by her bosses because of the type of person she is and in recognition of the good work she does.
Another friend of Ivaneide’s is wheelchair-bound but she is always at the centre, where the work is, usually in the kitchen organising. Although a lot of people are needy some others really do knuckle down to help too.
Is all this necessary in Serra Talhada, December 2007. Yes, I'm afraid it is. Enough said!! This is the charity I have chosen to become involved in as it is totally run by faithful volunteers who really want to make a difference.
Perhaps you could recruit some support for them by passing on the URL of this Blog: to friends and colleagues??
In this way, hopefully, the quality of life can be improved for the poorest people here in Serra Talhada and district. If you want to know more, or help in any way email:
Have a Happy Christmas.
God Bless. Love from us all,
Richard, Ivonete and Sara XXX
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